How Long Can Eggs Stay in Chicken Coop?

How long eggs can stay in a chicken coop

Understanding how long eggs can stay in a chicken coop is an essential aspect of keeping chickens. Freshly laid eggs are a delight, but knowing when to collect them and how to store eggs effectively ensures their freshness and longevity.

In this post, we delve into the factors that affect egg longevity within the chicken coop. We will discuss temperature considerations that impact how long eggs can stay in the coop without compromising their quality. Furthermore, we’ll explore humidity’s role in preserving your home-laid eggs’ freshness.

We’ll also offer backyard chicken keepers with some of our top coop recommendations.

How Long Can Eggs Stay in a Chicken Coop?

If you’re new to keeping chickens, you might wonder how long you can leave fresh laid eggs in a coop. The answer isn’t straightforward, but generally, chicken eggs can remain fresh and safe for consumption for up to three weeks in the coop.

However, this depends on factors like temperature and humidity levels inside your chicken coop. For optimal flavour and nutrition, eggs should be collected daily. So, it’s best to collect your chicken’s eggs daily if possible.

  • Daily collection: Collecting eggs daily ensures maximum freshness and prevents potential damage from other hens stepping on them or predators trying to steal them.
  • Cleanliness: Keeping your enclosure clean helps prevent bacteria from contaminating the eggs, which could cause illness if consumed.

While it’s technically safe for eggs to be left in a chicken coop for up to three weeks under ideal conditions (10-15°C with less than 75% humidity), collecting them daily guarantees their quality and safety. 

Eggs Should Be Collected Daily

Factors Affecting Egg Longevity

Eggs are eggcellent for nutrition, but their freshness can be affected by several factors when left in the chicken coop. Factors such as temp, humidity, airflow and sanitation can all impact the shelf-life of your chickens’ eggs.


The coop’s temperature plays a crucial role in determining the duration of freshness for the eggs. If it’s too hot or cold, it could lead to premature spoilage.


Humidity levels also matter significantly. High humidity can cause condensation on eggshells, creating an ideal environment for bacteria growth.


A well-ventilated coop helps maintain optimal conditions for preserving eggs’ freshness. It prevents moisture buildup and ensures fresh air circulates effectively.


Last but not least is cleanliness. A clean chicken coop reduces the risk of bacterial contamination that may affect your egg’s quality and longevity.

Regularly cleaning out nesting boxes and replacing bedding materials will help keep your chickens healthy and their eggs fresher longer.

Temperature Considerations

Temperature is crucial for storing eggs in a chicken coop. The ideal range of 10-15°C preserves freshness and prevents spoilage. High heat fosters bacterial growth, while freezing temperatures can cause eggs to crack and become inedible.

To keep your coop in the ideal temperature range:

  • Insulate properly: Good insulation keeps your coop warm in winter and cool in summer.
  • Avoid direct sunlight: Sun exposure can raise internal temperatures. Position your enclosure in a shaded area, especially during peak afternoon hours.
  • Ventilate adequately: Proper ventilation allows hot air to escape and cool air to circulate. You can view Somerzby’s range of well-ventilated coops here.

Humidity Considerations

Maintaining the right humidity levels in your chicken coop is crucial for preserving the freshness of eggs. Excessive moisture can cause the proliferation of mould on eggshells and heighten the chance of bacterial contamination.

But how do you control humidity inside a chicken coop? Here are some tips:

  • Ventilation: Proper ventilation plays a significant role in controlling moisture buildup inside the coop. A well-ventilated chicken coop allows excess moisture to escape, reducing overall humidity levels.
  • Cleanliness: Regularly cleaning your chicken coop helps prevent dampness caused by droppings or spilled water.
  • Dry Bedding: Using dry bedding materials like straw or wood shavings can absorb extra moisture and help maintain optimal humidity levels.

While it’s important to keep humidity low, extremely dry conditions aren’t ideal either. They can cause eggs to lose their freshness faster due to excessive evaporation through porous shells.

Ventilation Considerations

Proper ventilation is essential for your chicken coop as it prevents premature spoilage of the eggs. Good airflow regulates temperature and humidity levels, reducing the risk of mould growth and bacterial contamination.

To ensure optimal ventilation:

  • Design with vents or windows: Fresh air circulates freely while stale air and excess moisture escape. Coops and Cages have some great tips on coop design mistakes.
  • Position vents high up: Warm, moist air rises and exits through the openings instead of lingering around nesting boxes. 
  • Clean regularly: Dust particles hinder fresh air circulation. Regular cleaning prevents this issue.

Looking for a high-quality chicken coop with adequate ventilation? Check out Somerzby’s wide range of pet enclosures designed for comfort and safety for all pets, including chickens. 

Proper ventilation is essential for your chicken coop

Do Fresh Eggs Sink or Float?

When it comes to determining the freshness of eggs, the floating test is often employed. Fresh eggs tend to sink when placed in water, while older eggs are more likely to float. When an egg sinks, it indicates that its freshness is intact, making it suitable for consumption. 

On the other hand, if an egg floats, it suggests that it has aged and is no longer as fresh. This is because fresh eggs have a smaller air cell inside, meaning less air has penetrated the shell. The denser contents of a fresh egg cause it to sink in water.

When it comes to determining the quality of an egg, a useful rule of thumb is that a fresher egg sinks, while an older egg floats. By carefully observing whether an egg sinks or floats, you can gather valuable insights into its overall quality and freshness.

Should You Wash Eggs?

It is generally recommended not to wash your eggs unless necessary. Eggs have a protective natural coating called the “bloom” or “cuticle” on their shells, which helps to seal the pores and prevent bacteria from entering the egg.

This protective coating also helps to maintain the freshness and quality of the egg. If an egg is visibly dirty or soiled, it is best to clean it using a dry cloth or paper towel rather than washing it with water. 

FAQs in Relation to How Long Can Eggs Stay in Chicken Coop

Do You Have To Collect Eggs Every Day?

Yes, it’s recommended to collect chicken eggs every day for freshness and cleanliness reasons. It is important to thoroughly search all areas of your chicken enclosure as you may find eggs in areas outside of the dedicated nesting space.

How Long After An Egg Is Laid Can It Be Eaten?

Eggs are safe to eat immediately after they’re laid. 

Can You Eat Eggs That Have Been In The Coop For A Few Days?

Yes, if you store eggs properly at cool temperatures, they remain fresh for several days. To determine if an egg is off, you can crack the egg open and assess for any signs of spoilage, such as an unpleasant odor or unusual appearance.

How Long Can Freshly Laid Eggs Sit Out?

Freshly laid chicken eggs can safely sit out at room temperature for about two weeks. For a list of the best egg-laying chickens, check out this guide.


How long can chicken eggs stay in a chicken coop?

Temperature, humidity, and ventilation all play a role in how long eggs can last in a chicken coop, I generally find eggs can stay fresh for up to two weeks if stored properly in cool temperatures and low humidity.

However, if these conditions aren’t met or if the eggs have been sitting for too long, they may no longer be safe to eat, so it’s important to keep your coop well-maintained to ensure your chickens lay high-quality eggs.

From my personal experience of keeping chickens, collecting eggs from your chickens is a fun and fulfilling activity.

I recommend checking out Somerzby’s range of well-designed chicken coops, perfect for providing a comfortable and suitable environment for egg-laying chickens.