The Devon Rex cat breed is affectionately nicknamed ‘pixie cat’ or ‘alien cat’ because of its unique appearance, particularly its thin body and pointy ears.
The breed makes a great pet as they are highly energetic and love the company of humans.
The Devon Rex cat breed is affectionately nicknamed ‘pixie cat’ or ‘alien cat’ because of its unique appearance, particularly its thin body and pointy ears.
The breed makes a great pet as they are highly energetic and love the company of humans.
They have curly whiskers. Their most distinctive feature is their curly hair which is why some people are calling them “The Sheep Cat”.
They can even play hide and seek, just like KC, the magical Selkirk Rex that disappears before her owners eyes by camouflaging herself into the fluffy rug.
Russian Blues have a unique and regal appearance.They are medium sized with a long body, legs and tail.
They have small paws that they walk on very softly. Their head is a triangular shape.Their short coat is very soft and thick, designed to keep them warm in the cold Russian winters.